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Classical Music
Janelle Gelfand on the classical music scene

Janelle's pen has taken her to Japan, China, Carnegie Hall, Europe (twice), East and West Coasts, and Florida. In fact, Janelle was the first Enquirer reporter to report from Europe via e-mail -- in 1995.

Janelle began writing for the Cincinnati Enquirer as a stringer in 1991 while writing a Ph.D. dissertation in musicology at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. She joined the Enquirer staff in 1993.

Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she graduated from Stanford University, Janelle has lived in Cincinnati for more than 30 years. In her free time, this pianist plays chamber music with her circle of musical friends in Cincinnati.

She covers the Cincinnati Symphony, May Festival and Cincinnati Opera, the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra, chamber music ensembles, and as many recitals and events at CCM and NKU as possible.

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Sunday, October 09, 2005

How much do you really know about Erich Kunzel?

Test your knowledge on the Pops conductor with this trivia quiz.

1. Kunzel's first soloist for his first Eight O' clock Pops concert in 1965 was who?
2. How many recordings has Kunzel made with the Cincinnati Pops for Telarc?
3. According to Kunzel, what was the price of a glass of beer the first year he conducted in 1965?
4. What is Kunzel's favorite drinking song?
5. Where were his parents born?
6. Does he own lederhosen?
7. What German food can he not live without?
8. Name some of Kunzel's favorite symphonies.
9. What new brew was named for Erich Kunzel?
10. Where did he go to college?
11. Who was his conducting teacher?
12. During one weekend in 1970, Kunzel recorded with three jazz greats. Who were they?
13. When triplet baby white Bengal tigers came to Cincinnati Zoo in 1996, Kunzel was asked to name two. What were their names. (Bonus point if you can name the third, named by zoo staff)
14. What kind of car does Kunzel drive?
15. Where does Kunzel like to unwind or take guest stars after Pops shows?

Answers are below under "comments."

10-15 correct: You win the Popsmeister award
5-9 correct: You are probably not from Cincinnati
0-5 correct: You are definitely not from Cincinnati


at 10/09/2005 11:47:00 PM Blogger Janelle Gelfand said...

1. Dave Brubeck 2. 80 3. 10 cents. They were called "dimeys." 4. "Im Munchen steht ein Hofbrauhaus, ein zwei, suffa!" 5. Germany. Dad was born in Saxony and mom was from Schwabenland, near the Swiss border. 6. No, but he has worn them at Pops concerts. 7. Spatzle; knodle (dumplings), wurst and buhnenstucke (bee stick cake). 8. Brahms' First and Second Symphonies and Beethoven's Seventh and Eighth Symphonies. 9. "Kunzel Lager," made by Newport's Hofbrauhaus in his honor. 10. Dartmouth, Harvard and Brown universities 11. Pierre Monteux 12. Dave Brubeck, Gerry Mulligan and Duke Ellington 13. Erica and Popsie. Tiger Lily was named by the staff. 14. Mercedes 15. Palomino, The Cincinnatian Hotel, Shanghai Mama's and Newport’s Hofbrauhaus.

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