Where to eat after symphony concerts??

Ellen Finestone e-mailed this question last week before the Blizzard canceled the symphony concert.
"We are going to the CSO on Saturday night. The concert is at 8 and I was wondering if you had a suggestion for a restaurant we could go to after the concert?"
I've been wracking my brain. Concerts usually end around 10:15 p.m. or even later, and most places downtown stop serving around 10:30 p.m. Here are some choices:
Nicola's stays open late, and Via Vite and Nada downtown are open pretty late, the food critic tells me. I have had luck going to hotels like the Cincinnatian and getting bar food – which is excellent there. But I think the pickings are slim!
Got ideas for Ellen -- and the rest of us? Post them here.
Palamino opem until midnight ( bar till 1:00am)
Guido's on St Gregory Street ( 2:00am)
Washington Platform-midnight
Champs (Hyatt) 2:00am
Shanghai Mama's (6th?)
At Enjoy the Arts, we keep a list of places to eat after the show in Cincinnati.
The suggestions above are good ones, but Guido's is now Tavern on the Hill and they have restricted their hours somewhat.
As Janelle suggests, the hotel bars tend to be excellent. Generally, the late night menus are a little more restrictive, but the more casual restaurants like Shanghai Mama's do run their full menu late into the night. (And you're well-advised to call ahead before making plans since restaurants change hours a lot.)
There are actually a lot of good choices, and there are getting to be more all the time--certainly in the last year or so.
If we missed anything, I'd love to hear about it in a comment here (if Janelle doesn't mind me asking for feedback).
Hope this helps ELLEN, WE HAVE GONE I-71 TO kENWOOD and TRIO is open as is EMBERS -both Mtgy Rd nr Kenwood Rd, but call first. That is the sad part of reviving the downtown, parking becomes the huge problem but suburbans have good parking lots. Enjoy.
Yes, Trio is on my mobile speed dial. But downtown... Apparently a new restaurant/saloon is about to open: Black Finn, on 7th street. It sounds like part saloon, part sports bar, part "great place for a bachelorette party." Here's what the foodie blog says:
We've gone to Andy's (Gilbert and Nassau) near Eden Park after a concert. On the weekends they serve quite late and stay open til 2 or so...
We noticed quite a few of the CSO eating there....
I love that the Schuster Center has a restaurant right in the building! It was awesome foresight. You can sit for a meal or a drink, then walk right to your seats. I wish The Aronoff designer had had the same vision.
taco bell's open late.
Jean-Robert's restaurant Lavomatic Cafe is now open and is within walking distance to Music Hall, and they appear to be open late with a limited late night menu. One of my colleagues recently dined there and really enjoyed it. CSO has a new restaurants page on our website, which notes restaurants that are open late: www.cincinnatisymphony.org/Events/resthotels.asp
Sherri Prentiss/CSO
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