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Classical Music
Janelle Gelfand on the classical music scene

Janelle's pen has taken her to Japan, China, Carnegie Hall, Europe (twice), East and West Coasts, and Florida. In fact, Janelle was the first Enquirer reporter to report from Europe via e-mail -- in 1995.

Janelle began writing for the Cincinnati Enquirer as a stringer in 1991 while writing a Ph.D. dissertation in musicology at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. She joined the Enquirer staff in 1993.

Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she graduated from Stanford University, Janelle has lived in Cincinnati for more than 30 years. In her free time, this pianist plays chamber music with her circle of musical friends in Cincinnati.

She covers the Cincinnati Symphony, May Festival and Cincinnati Opera, the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra, chamber music ensembles, and as many recitals and events at CCM and NKU as possible.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Affordable arts for kids

Have you discovered a great affordable arts prep program for aspiring teen and 'tween artists, singers, dancers and actors? Tip us off:


at 11/28/2005 12:35:00 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...


i sorry no one offered any tips to you for your article. with the way the arts always suffer from budget cuts more frequently than anything else in the public schools, it is even sadder, particularly given the really lovely photograph of those three beautiful little aspiring violinists! i only hope that they will find their "voices" some time in the future and that we may hear them play!

at 11/28/2005 09:40:00 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your articles this morning about kids in the performing arts. Our son Brad is a budding bass player, who's now in the CSYO (clearly a case of "be careful what you ask for ... you may get it"), as well as 4 performing ensembles at Princeton High School, and two at our church.

I wanted to add a resource which parents may also be able to access, for help with private lessons and summer camps. In the Princeton School District, middle school and high school students can apply to our Music Boosters organization for scholarships to help with private lessons and/or summer camp.

For many years, Princeton Music Boosters have provided around $10,000/year in private lesson and/or summer music scholarships. Students can apply once during their middle school years, and once in high school, for a private lesson scholarship ... which is sent directly to their private music teacher, and generally covers about half the cost of weekly half-hour lessons. Any year in which they are accepted to a summer camp, they may apply for a summer scholarship.

(Last summer, one of our seniors was accepted at Brevard Music Camp, as one of only 70 high school students there. This same young man won the CSYO's Concerto Competition this year, and will perform a solo oboe concerto at the joint CSO/CSYO concert on May 3 at Music Hall.)

Our Music Boosters also raise funds to provide uniforms for all our performing groups (the most expensive of which is Marching Band uniforms approximately every 6-7 years), so that musicians only pay a nominal uniform maintenance fee (never more than $50/year), rather than needing to purchase tuxedos, black formals, etc.

In addition, Princeton Music Boosters see our role as being advocates for the performing arts in our school district .. which includes bringing in clinicians to work with various performing groups, as well as supporting fees for students who are accepted into All-State performing groups. In February, when Princeton High School hosts the OMEA District 14 Solo & Ensemble competition, our Music Boosters provide meals and refreshments for directors and judges, as well as concessions for parents and competitors.

OK, that's probably more information than you really needed... In addition, here's a link to the Music Department page on the Princeton District website:

at 11/28/2005 04:39:00 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

those kids don't look like they are playing the violins correctly.

at 5/05/2008 09:07:00 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are a nonprofit organization providing music and art instructins to underprivileged children. We provide them the instruments during sessions and they can use it when they want to practice within the facility.

Please visit our website at We are also looking for any donations of musical instruments for these children to use. I hope to see you there!

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