Jazzing up Cincinnati

Back to the jazz scene: A few weeks ago, Steve Hoskins wrote me a letter about the story, "A Faded Jazz Scene" that ran in the Enquirer in Feb. Steve is a musician with more than 35 years of experience in the nightclub, recording studio, TV, musical theater and jazz venues in our area, he says.
"Yes, the jazz scene has faded," he says. "But the music is still very much alive and kicking. There are many world class musicians in the local area still pursuing their art for one reason: their passion for the music.
"And yet, we do have some added disadvantages in Cincinnati. The absence of a radio station devoted to jazz makes it extremely difficult for jazz artists local or otherwise to be heard in the area.
"Also, lack of significant press coverage adds to the difficulties a musician faces in filling the seats of any venue."
So what’s the solution for a Cincinnati jazz musician? Market, and adapt, he says.
He’s put together a group of eight great Cincinnati musicians, forming The Jazz Circle. The group includes two-time Grammy nominee Bill Cunliffe. Their first CD, "Joshua," which came out in June, has had airplay on more than 85 stations in 32 states and Canada. Check it out! CD: $16.95 plus shipping, at thejazzcircle.com
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