CSO in top 5 Orchestra Web sites

Fifth best Web site: The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra’s Web site (www.cincinnatisymphony.org) ranks fifth out of 80 professional symphony orchestra Web sites nationwide.
That's according to a new study performed last month by Drew McManus, a Chicago-based orchestra industry analyst and cultural commentator. McManus gave the Cincinnati Symphony a B-minus.
He says that "a pretty face" – aesthetic qualities such as colors, photos and fancy graphics – were not as important as functionality for the general public. That means how easy it is to find the site, get basic concert information and purchase tickets.
The No. 1 ranked Web site belongs to the Nashville Symphony, followed by the orchestras of Chicago, Seattle and San Francisco.
To view the chart and criteria, go to www.adaptistration.com, a featured web log about orchestra management on the ASCAP award-winning www.artsjournal.com.
i enjoy drew mc manus's blog very much and try to hit it when i can, bu i had missed this update.
the one complaint i have about the CSO's site is that this year, unlike the previous 4 or 5, there is no way to link directly to the Program Notes via copy-pasting the address without using a circuitous route of figuring out the code.
i may be the only one who's bugged by this, but i always like to link to the Program Notes on my Paavo blog so audience members can read them in advance. it's a nice way of boning up on a new piece in advance of the concert. just the same, i do my duty and find a way if it's there! ;-)
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