Who's in charge?

No sooner has Nick Mangano, professor of acting, been appointed interim chair of the opera department at UC's College-Conservatory of Music -- than he's accepted a position elsewhere. Mangano is taking a post at SUNY Stony Brook, CCM confirms.
The next interim has not been named, says spokesperson Katie Rankin.
You'll remember, he was to fill in for the departing Sandra Bernhard next academic year. Bernhard is leaving this summer (after Lucca) to start a new job with Houston Grand Opera. She succeeded Malcolm Fraser in 2003 in the J. Ralph Corbett Distinguished Chair in Opera.
Oh------------My------------God: for the good of the CCM opera program, send Nic Muni on a project to Asia, while the school officials find another opera head.
I have a really bad feeling about this: Muni, CCM opera opening. RUN!
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