Pops "Nutcracker" on Billboard charts

Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops' new Nutcracker album for Telarc made its debut over Thanksgiving on the Billboard classical chart at No. 11.
Another new arrival, also on Telarc, is "Christmas Break," a relaxing compilation of carols and other selections -- including two cuts by local pianist Michael Chertock.
Too bad we cannot see Nutcracker any longer at Music Hall... This is a tragedy of major proportions. Am I the only one upset over this desertion?
We agree it is a huge error to take Nutcracker away from Music Hall, it has always been the place to be at Christmas time. This is the wrong approach to keeping MHall alive, probably the excuse will be
"OTR--poor parking--unsafe area", which will only get worse when the time comes to repair and destroy the magnificent interior of Music Hall.
There will be the comment that it is not used enough to keep the seating intact as it is.
Too many are involved.
How many years has Nutcracker been absent from Music Hall? I have to admit I saw it a couple of years ago at the Aronoff and it didn't have nearly the charm in that venue. Now parking is going to be a real issue, I'm afraid. With all of the new construction, Music Hall will lose 600 parking spaces and no one seems to know much about 3CDC's plans to build a new parking garage.
Hey Janelle,
I am glad to say that it was not Cincinnati Ballet's Nutcracker at the Aronoff, because this will be the first year for us. I know some are disappointed about the Nutcracker not being at Music Hall, but it will be fun to be downtown, and go from the show to restaurants, or ice skating, or Christmas shopping. There is parking all around the Aronoff and downtown is buzzing these days. What started out as a scheduling problem, because of course, Music Hall must accommodate the symphony first, has turned into an exciting alternative for Cincinnati Ballet. The Aronoff is more intimate and Nutcracker is a wonderful narrative where you will be able to see the expressions on the dancers faces, the they will feel like they are closer to you. Try it, you'll like it!
Hi Victoria! Thanks for clearing that up. I must have confused it with something else. (Good thing I'm not the dance critic!) And you make a good point about the buzz downtown, and being able to walk out and have dinner, go shopping, go ice skating...
With all due respect, the Aronoff center is the farthest thing from intimate! Good luck with that sell...it is a sterile, uncomfortable space. I still do not know how they pass fire code with rows that go forever with no aisles in sight....no thanks.
Not sure what you are smoking, Victoria, but you don't make a single, solitary legit point.
First of all, being downtown at night really cannot be considered fun by more than you select few. Don't get me wrong, I love downtown, but after attending hundreds of shows at the Aronoff, and exiting after an evening show, virtually all people go directly to their cars and go home. I don't know ANYONE, EVER personally who walks around and hob-nobs downtown after a show.
Maybe Ruby's or Nicolson's, but those folks are few. Believe it: most just go home.
Christmas shopping and ice skating?! Please tell me you are kidding. No one can be this delusional.
Next, you consider the Aronoff intimate?? HAVE YOU BEEN THERE??? Of course you have, YOU moved Nutcracker there.
It is chrome and glass, with NO intimacy whatsoever. Again, delusion rears it's ugly head.
You know, it's more; you insult us with this spin. And frankly, I resent this.
Music Hall is CUSTOM MADE for the Nutcracker. It is HOME to the Nutcracker. It is warmer and cozier and more intimate than the Aronoff could ever hope to be.
You are just one arts director leading the abandonment of Music Hall and you should be ashamed.
And your ridiculous, pathetic spin merely paints you as clueless about the needs, wants and desires of the performance-going public. Like Nic Muni, YOU know what YOU want, and everyone else be damned.
I look forward to you moving on, Victoria, so that Nutcracker can return to it's rightful home.
Will that be soon?
Such venom! It's about the Nutcracker! Big deal. Like what you like, and let others like what they like. Aren't there enough items of stress these days without going to war over the best venue for the Nutcracker!?
Right on rms...you speak the cold hard truth.....
Venom....give me a break. It is a blog...a place to discuss and vent frustrations...it would be a very boring blog if every on just posted sugar sweet butt-kissing banter....get real.
I agree the Aronoff center is about as intimate as the grand canyon.....
Having seen the Ballet at the Aronoff, I find it a good venue. One can see the dancers expressions more easily. It becomes a central part of the experience.Also for me, I enjoy the near by amenities, they're there if I need'm. As far as the location downtown--- anything beats Music Hall. The major hurdle at the Aronoff is the acoustics. They aren't for live sound.
Anon 10:16
There is nothing wrong with the location of Music Hall....well unless your a racist....
If you believe the media hype then you are a fool. the cso, opera, may festival and pops would not continue to perform there if saftly was a real issue.....
No, no, no...it wasn't the safety issue (from a business perspective however perception is as damning as reality), there are convenient amenities near the Aronoff that aren't at MH (unless you want guns or drugs). The choices aren't dazzling but it's what downtown has to offer.
You better pick your stance because you can't say safety issues are not a concern and then throw in the line about drugs and guns. While I certainly do not deny the ammenities of the location of the Aronoff center, it pales in the comparison of Music Hall in any aspect of the actual venue. As someone who has worked in OTR for more than 10 years (without incident)the attitude of the area fueled by the media is the biggest problem it faces. You never ever hear of the good things that happen on the 5pm news...most just believe the hype that is spoon feed to us without any of the facts. Very Sad indeed.
Music Hall is an experience you will not get by going to the aronoff center...not historically, not visiually, not aesthetically, and for sure not acoustically....but yes you can walk down and ice skate on the square at the aronoff....
"Venom....give me a break. It is a blog"
Thanks, Anon 7:57PM.
Thanks for backing up my rant..
And, yes, this IS a HUGE deal. It is another nail in the coffin of Music Hall, placed by those temporary "artistic types" who swoop into town for a few years for jobs, then leave for greener pastures.
Meanwhile, WE live here, and many of us consider Music Hall as an absolute crown jewel of this city, and don't want to see it dumped on by the Victoria Morgan types...
Make no mistake, it is a monster deal, each and every time an arts organization abandons Music Hall.
Who would have thought some simple observations and a little promotional spin would ignite such fireworks!!!! Ouch!
A little more effort in the direction of the long term survival of both organizations would be in order with cooler heads sharing their feelings.
A fan of both the ballet and the symphony.
Being passionate about something sometimes requires more than a "cooler head"...
Again, I will say this is a blog to express opinions and views and for many this may be the only way to do so, it is sad when people would rather take the easy way and continue the candy coated mentality...
Does level-headed reason mean a candy-coated taking of the easy way? Sounds like some serious therapy is needed. Settle down. Hot-headed emotions out of control will never produce reliable results.
Oh, come on the guns and drugs thing was just a little sarcasm. Besides, you can probabaly get those anywhere downtown...
Anon 8:31
You might want to take a look at history...because yes passionate "hot headed" emotions have been the reason for many amazing changes in every facet possible. It is what drives many people to take the stand, implement change to make things better for themselves and their communities.
"Music Hall is an experience you will not get by going to the aronoff center..."
Good grief, I hope not...crumbling plaster, nowhere to eat or hang out before or after the concert.
And as much as the OTR fans want to you to ignore the neighborhood's gritty side, there are plenty of people who've had problems with break-ins, people being, shall we say, "approached" out of nowhere, etc. It's not ALL perception, I can tell you that.
And acoustics? I can't say I'm a big fan of Music Hall in that way, either. I can never hear the strings very well. Not that acoustics are really a deal breaker at the Nutcracker, anyway.
Anon 2:28....
If all you get from Music Hall is crumbling plaster and the fact that you might have to eat before you go to the event...then yes I would say you and the aronoff are the perfect match.....
I spend a lot of time at Music Hall, and in all of these years, I had a guy yell ONCE-------ONCE, as I was locking my car if I could give him some money... (and that day I happened to park at Cental and Elm).
I don't know where all this danger talk originates. No, you cannot park at 7th and Elm to save a few pennies and then walk the gauntlet. I see many folks doing that. If you park far from Aronoff, the safety issue will mirror Music Hall's.
Music Hall has a ton of close in parking. Not sure, then, how dangerous environment is an issue.
And yes, I agree with the prior poster, if Music Hall to you is crumbling plaster, please, do us all a favor and don't come. What a completely foolish thing to say.
One final thing, with the complete renovation of the entire Washington Park area, this seems like the wrong time for an arts organization to pull their performances from Music Hall.
Two things struck me when I heard that the Nutcracker was moving to the Aronoff. One was that I think the stage is smaller than Music Hall and how they would fit the sets on the stage at the new venue with such a big production? The second and the most important was with the smaller seating capacity than Music Hall how would this impact the revenue stream for the Ballet since it is the most attnded ballet on their scedule and a big source of cash flow. While I attend most ballets in any given season, I haven't gone to the Nutcracker in years because I have seen it so many times, but when I have gone I notice there are many many people who will go to this as an annual and most probably singular event driving the need for additional seating capacity at most performances.
Comments from a no verbal fireworks fan
That's why Music Hall was so special for the annual-ballet-attendee: the hall was as wonderful as the performance.
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