Nutcracker waltzes into the Aronoff

Here's David Lyman's review. Did you go to the Nutcracker? What were your impressions about having it there, versus Music Hall?
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I'll have to assume that perhaps the folks I've talked to who weren't planning on attending this year due to the move from Music Hall might have some effect on the opening night attendance.
Or maybe they're planning on going another night.
I am an arts supporter, and have respect for those people who love the ballet....I would rather have a root canal....
And you've see Nutcracker?
Boy, if you compare Nutcracker to a root canal, I cannot imagine that you have any appreciation for any art form. Wow...
Of course I have seen the Nutcracker, I just like my art with a little less fluff and more snob I think you call it...and yes I support and or subscribe to most of the big eight in cincinnati and have the luxury of seeing many art forms all over the world.....but the ballet is not my cup of tea... but kudos to those who enjoy it....
If 8:29PM is a joke post, it's kind of funny. If it's a serious post, kind of pathetic.
I am with the high roller....he/she might be cocky but speaks the truth....ballet is a snooze fest....
Normally, I too might agree with you. But the Nutcracker is a species unto itself. I almost don't even think of it as a ballet--it is just a great overall show...
I wish I could find the "magic" in the nutcracker....and I have been like 3 times hoping each time it is going to wow me....chalk another one up in the root canal column, I just can't sit through it again.
I don't mind the Nutcracker but what drives me crazy is when people call it "Frisch's Nutcracker"
I bet Tchaikovsky is rolling over in his grave....
I saw the Nutcracker this past Saturday on it's final day at the Aronoff. I traditionally went to Music Hall to see it and was a little suprised to hear about the move. I thought it was just as good, if not better. I felt more involved and closer to the performance than previous years.
Funny enough, it was the conversation of folks sitting around me. There was talk about the decision to move. Who and why, etc... was it the Artistic Director of the Ballet or the new General Manager of the Aronoff who pushed it. It was very sophisticated talk in a snobish fashion. But, I give these fellow event-goers credit when one very blunt gentleman made a great comment. He said, "Who cares? I got to see the Pops with Manhattan Transfer and Kenny G... and now this here. Can't it be the new, great tradition that you can see shows at all the theaters and it just be busy downtown?".
I say - well said.
check the attendance numbers....that is the real tell tale....does not look pretty.....
Just to finish this year on a peaceful level-to12/22-- 8:29,11:36,6:39--
all of you-------Why don't you take your ticket money and put it in a Fund for kids who are in foster homes, or sick ,but mobile, children at hospitals who have never seen Nutcracker Ballet ,
buy them tickets, and YOU all go to the HOOTERS
OR Kenny G or Manhattan Transfer, maybe you are too old???
The Ballet is a very special afternoon for some kids who will re-live it many times over
in their memories. Many will get on their toes and dance it at home for days after...
Who cares where it is performed, could be at the Zoo,it is just an afternoon of make-believe to some children.
Of course their parents have to drive them there, sadly they could sleep thru it tho.
We love Music Hall but when the rent is paid for another performance it is best to go someplace else to perform, and the Ballet did. Now there===enjoy a HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Hey EM=M=Blah=Blah=Blah
You do not know anything about the people who post here, you do not know what they give or the outreach they offer to children or is VERY cocky, and ignorant to make statements like that.... I am sure there is more each of us could do...start with yourself and keep your comments about other to yourself when you don't know what your blabbering on about..... I for one not only give money but time to the causes I believe in as I am sure others do....we do not need you to be the voice for what we should be doing....what a joke your posts are....
What are you the venue Nazi? If I want to voice my opinion about Music Hall or where I think the ballet should be performed...I can....we all's why the blog is here....I guess in all your preaching you overlooked that fact....
To the anonymous one who posted at 01:08:00 AM on 1/01/08:
1.) So YOUR preachiness is OK, right? And any preachiness that disagrees with your narrow view of the world is . . . let's see, what were your words . . . "cocky," "ignorant" and "a joke." I don't notice anyone else abusing you when you air your opinion. Abusiveness is NOT what blogging is about.
2. I find it interesting that when you mentioned the word "fact" you couldn't find anything else to say. Your posting just ended. Is it that fact is something you're unfamiliar with? Hint: Name-calling isn't a substitute.
3. Trot out some facts and back 'em up. Might be an interesting exercise for you.
Anon 12:30.... I am going to TRY to explain this to you.....
the last sentence of my post is the FACT that we all have the option to voice our opinion.....I did not know I would need to offer we are doing that VERY thing..... if you can't understand that no wonder you have trouble grasping the other concepts shared on this board.
Kudos to you 9:26 nice reply to a poster who seems to be full of himself and hot air! He has been "abused" by your words...poor delicate flower.
Delicate flower? Hardly. It seems to me that Anon 12:30 is one of the few who's interested in talking about what is supposed to be the real subject of this blog - the ballet company moving nutcracker to the aronoff. It would all be more interesting if we could stay on point.
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