A concert hall for Miami?

On and off over the years, I've written about grassroots campaigns to build a bona fide concert hall on the Miami University campus. It may have started with a review I wrote the first time I heard Itzhak Perlman play in Millett Hall, a basketball arena. Yes, something was missing... The school does have the smallish Hall Auditorium, but one would think, with such illustrious ensembles as the MU Men's Glee Club (now in its 100th season), it could build something that would accommodate its wonderful Performing Arts Series -- without making the audience climb bleachers.
So, today when I got a call from Harold Puff, 92-year-old professor emeritus (see Pat Corbett tribute comment, below), the topic came up.
Miami is in the midst of a $500 million campaign, "For Love and Honor," and they've already raised nearly $327 million, with two years to go.
Professor Puff, who sang with the Glee Club 1934-38, says, "We have the plans, and the property, but we couldn't get an angel to come in."
Any angels out there? Do you think Miami needs a concert hall?
A fine liberal arts university like Miami definitely needs a first-class venue for music and theater. But something not too big because of Miami's still rather isolated location from the Cincinnati and Dayton metro areas. Time to move concerts out of the Millett sports arena.
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