Sticker shock

As any American abroad will tell you, the dollar is sinking against the euro at an alarming rate. Most of us want to bring home a few little souvenirs, but even a couple of tea towels and knick knacks add up to $100 pretty quickly. I could not find a simple cotton dress for a small child for less than 80 -- which is $128.
A main course in a nice neighborhood restaurant in Paris will set you back at last 30 euros = $48 (1 euro = $1.60). But one can eat well in Paris for less. I do love the "bistro" culture there. On Sunday night, I wandered around the corner from my Left Bank hotel and the corner bistro was packed with students, a big table of what seemed to be music professors, and many others. I ate very well for about 15 euros.
After meeting up with several French friends -- former Cincinnatians Monique and Bernard Fortat (who lived in Fairfield) and Marion Henrion (Wyoming) -- it became clear that the French, too, are very worried about the economy -- especially the "bourse" -- stock exchange. They pay 1.35 to 1.50 euro per liter of gas -- close to $9 a gallon!
Where will it all end? Bernard is not optimistic about tourism in France this summer. There are few Americans traveling abroad, now. He thinks that eventually the euro and dollar will be equal, and what will that mean for the world economy?
Photo by Mark Cleghorn
It may take a long time for the Euro and Dollar to reach parity again...
But, it was only 0.85 to the Euro just a few years ago - so who knows?
Maybe this is the opportunity for the CSO (and Delta)to put together some travel trips for Europeans to visit Cincinnati, and the CSO in particular.
After all, it's a bargain vacation for them!
If you've been to Europe, you know that there's virtually no reason to come to Cincinnati.
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