Candidates sound off on the arts

What did you think about the arts package that ran in Sunday's A&E section, with the views of City Council candidates on the arts?
This was a joint package by the arts and entertainment staff: Jackie Demaline, Sara Pearce and myself, edited by Julie Gaw and produced online by Mandy Jenkins.
I was surprised at how few of them mentioned the Cincinnati Symphony or Music Hall, and only one claims to have a CSO subscription (Chris Bortz). There are also some funny revelations, such as that many of them claim to be good actors (surprise!) and one (Brian Garry) says that he is a "20th-century composer."
Take a look at their answers to all 12 questions that ran online only, and tell us what you think!
Very good thought to ask candidates their feelings on the lively arts in Cincinnati. Many replies were like 'after thoughts' and maybe 1/3 have never been to music events, or been inside Music Hall /Aronoff, and it is a wonder that they would not think it is good to be seen there. That is what the community looks for, involvement.
Good work, all your hours were worth it. eM=M
Actually, Brian Garry DID do some composition studies with Phil Koplow at NKU, if memory serves.
(Not saying that is or is not a reason to vote for him)
(who taught at NKU alongside Phil for a few years)
Well, the thing is, this is now the 21st century...
Fair enough.
Of course, I don't know how much composing he's done since Dec. 31, 2000, so it's entirely possible he IS a 20th century composer.
Janelle, I'm sure you can appreciate this - those of us who took music history between, say, 1960 and 2002 spent a good chunk of time talking about contemporary music in terms of the "20th" century. Old habits die hard, and new editions of the Grout take 3 - 5 years to appear.
(who is both a 20th AND a 21st century composer)
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