Opera returning to Middletown

Here's the news. However, trustees are not so sure about performing opera amid the trappings of "Rocky Horror Picture Show." Now that the historic opera house has new owners, where do you think they should mount their operas?
Photos: The new owners of Sorg Opera House, and Marshall Weis, as Tevye.
That's good news. I grew up in Middletown and knew the Sorg as a movie theater, and also that it had been on the vaudeville circuit. I was not aware of it's opera history. The connection to the Dayton theater community is positive and I hope it works out.
The current use of the Sorg Opera House is a scandal.
A scandal? Better to be open than closed, or torn down for another parking lot.
Scandal? What century are you from? In the 21st century, a city the size of Middletown, does not support an opera company. I congratulate the two guys who rescue the beautiful facility and have kept it going, booking the type of show that are economically viable in the 21st century. These guys have always said that the opera was welcomed back at the Sorg and it looks like they are living up to their word. In the 21st century, what better could you ask for?
Yes, they are living up to their word. Scandalous...yes. The Opera House is in disrepair, not clean, seats damaged, decorated like a haunted house. Theatre goers and opera audiences want an evening of the arts, an event. Unfortunately, I don't think the group that owns the Opera House understands that. I am thrilled to see the Sorg Opera Company making a comeback. Maybe it's time for them to find a new venue...? The Sorg Opera Company is a very important part of Middletown's performing arts community.
I think the Opera Company should change their name...lose association with the Opera House and that group...and then perform at Miami University Middletown - Dave Finkelman auditorium.
The opera company needs to RUN from that now-vile facility.
True! I hear the owners of the facility are about to lose everything. Maybe then the Opera Company could restore it and make it what it should be! Welcome Back, Sorg Opera Company...you have been missed!
The Sorg Opera Company is a great asset to the Middletown and Southwestern Ohio arts communities. Looking at the Opera House right now...the group needs to change their name and disassociate themselves with the owners of the Opera House.
That's interesting. Do you mean that foreclosure might be imminent? There are some other hard questions, among them, who can afford to fix up this historical treasure from 1891, and can Middletown support an opera company, albeit a small one?
Yes Janelle, I think foreclosure could be just around the corner. If that happens I believe it could be saved. Remember, there is a group that holds the Historic Register listing for the building. That being said, you can get a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to save the structure...but not while the freak show is going on. It would have to be a matching grant...and then maybe Middletown downtown would get the push it needs to redo that area. Yes, Middletown can support an opera...it is really a Miami Valley Regional Opera. The Fiddler show was FANTASTIC! I hope this is the beginning of great things for the Sorg Opera Company.
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